Best Physiotherapy for Back Pain in South Delhi

Back pain is most common problem nowdays. Research suggests that 80% of population is likely suffering from lower back pain. Common cause is sedentary lifestyle. Pain can be originate from muscle, ligament, nerve depend on underlying cause. Raavi Gaur team follow all the manual therapies including mobilisation, chiropratic, dry needling and provide treatment by physio modalities as needed.

Back Pain with Sciatica

Sciatic nerve compression due to disc bulge or disc herniation you can experience pain from the buttock to foot along with numbness, weaness of lower body or burning sensation.

Physiotherapy is best line of treatment for sciatica pain. Raavi Gaur clinic uses chiropractic, cupping therapy and maunal therapy to relieve pain.

Back Pain Due to Bad Posture

Prolonged sitting, lifting weight in wrong posture,lying on bad mattress can put stress on back mucsle, ligament can cause back pain.

A Common reason for your back pain sitting in hunched or slouched position while working for long periods of time. Guiding you about correct posture at your work space and for your daily activity to avoid and cure your back pain. Don’t worry about your back pain. Our team assess the underlying cause and treating them accodingly.

Back Pain Due to Pregnancy

Suffering from back pain after giving birth? Hormones during pregnancy that weakens the muscle and ligaments, bumb that supported by abdominal and back muscles can cause stress to muscle and surrounding structures, carrying baby are the commom reasons for post-partum back pain.

Back Pain Due to Arthritis

Inflammation of one or two joints of back bone can lead to back pain. It can occur due to osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis.

Physiotherapy treatment may include ultrasound, tens, ift and manual treatment all the modalities are avialable in Raavi Gaur clinic.

We are using both single line of treatment or combination of treatment based on rehabilitation program.

Back Pain Physiotherapy